


Kristin 发布于:2009-02-01 16:40




“保密是西方文学的重要部分,你可以说角色的所有想法在小说中都被人们所持的特定信息所否定,这是有很多原因的,也许是因为固执,也许是因为高尚,他们决定不去揭露。”这是在影片进行到20分钟时,老师在课堂上对学生们讲解的内容,这一内容也成为了解构影片后半段的关键。在经历了一个夏天的美妙相处后,Hanna离开了Michael,再一次见到Hanna已经是7年之后的审判法庭,低身聆听证人指控Hanna曾经的所作所为;踏进集中营,回想Hanna曾经犯下的“滔天的罪行”;在Hanna推开面前的纸笔时,意识到Hanna是“文盲”的事实;曾经让自己魂牵梦绕的女人,原来竟然是这样一个“死要面子,满手鲜血”的人,到底应该怎么面对?Michael的第一反应是用法律——这个在法律专业老师和同学口中“狭隘”的工具来解决该问题,他告诉了自己的老师并试图以此为Hanna上诉;因此,他来到了监狱前,他想见她,想劝服她,但是当Michael即将来到Hanna面前的那一刻他选择了放弃,有些人说那是因为他不愿面对Hanna,但是从前面 “保密原则”的那段课文能够看出,导演想表达的是Michael选择了尊重,还有什么比尊重更能体现对那个人的爱呢?而第三步,Michael来到了女同学的宿舍并与她做爱,但是面对着妙龄少女,回想着Hanna的种种行为,令Michael最割舍不下的仍是Hanna曾经的那份温存,在Hanna被宣判的那一刻,眼泪夺眶而出,Michael对Hanna感情的展现在这时才真正迸发。当爱人的面纱逐层被揭开,露出最原始的面目时,Michael的意识却从理性一步步走向感性直至最难滴落的“男人泪”,在一刻人类最原始的感情战胜了一切世俗伦理偏见,留下的只有内心最真实的情感。很佩服导演这种渐进式的展现方式,并在片中设下重重伏笔,让观众去揣摩其中意味。





Ps:对影片最后的结尾,只是个人观点,相信还有很多可以挖掘的东西,这只是初看时的一些感受,我还打算再多看几次这部电影,也许还会有很多不同的感受和理解。其实每年都很喜欢年初的这段时光,因为总会有很多申奥的好片出炉,而今年,《The Reader》在我心中留下的烙印最深。



shortcut to happiness. 却down不下来。
happy go lucky 和the reader对比太大,一时难以接受。

于是不由自主又开始看the reader.是的,这是有生以来第一次连续看了两遍的电影!

小michael演得真好。尤其喜欢他不经意的丝丝微笑-无比纯真,温柔而朝气。凯特·温斯莱特 奥斯卡最佳女主角-she deserves it (中文是叫名至如归么?)。第一次觉得我们的英国妞和她好像。神情举手投足,太相似了。

























































Agamemnon: I see you’re not hiding behind your high walls. Valiant of you. Ill-advised, but valiant.
Hector: You come here uninvited. Go back to your ships and go home.
Agamemnon: We’ve come too far, Prince Hector.
Menelaus: Prince? What prince? What son of a king would accept a man’s hospitality, eat his food, drink his wine, embrace him in friendship, and then steal his wife in the middle of the night?
Paris: The sun was shining when your wife left you. (小帅哥稚嫩的反驳)
Menelaus: She’s up there, watching, isn’t she? Good. I want her to watch you die.
Agamemnon: Not yet, brother. Look around you, Hector. I brought all the warriors of Greece to your shores.
Nestor: You can still save Troy, young prince.
Agamemnon: I have two wishes. If you grant them, no more of your people need die. First, you must give Helen back to my brother. Second, Troy must submit to my command, to fight for me whenever I call.
Hector: You want me to look upon your army and tremble? Well I see them. I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man’s greed.
Agamemnon: Careful boy, my mercy has limits.
Hector: And I’ve seen the limits of your mercy and I tell you now, no son of Troy will ever submit to a foreign ruler.
Agamemnon: Then every son of Troy shall die. (英语老师教的shall用于第一人称被证实“未必”)

[Paris cowardly bows out of a dual with Menelaus, leaving everyone aghast, especially Menelaus]
Menelaus: [shouts to Helen] Is this what you left me for?

Achilles: I want what all men want, I just want it more.

Achilles: What’s your name?
[no reply]
Achilles: Did you not hear me?
Briseis: You killed Apollo’s priests!
Achilles: I’ve killed men in five countries, never a priest.
Briseis: Well, then your men did. The sun god will have his vengeance.
Achilles: What’s he waiting for?
Briseis: The right time to strike.
Achilles: His priest’s are dead, and his acolyte’s a captive. i think your god is afraid of me.
Briseis: Afraid? Apollo is master of the sun, he fears nothing.
Achilles: Where is he?
Briseis: You’re nothing but a killer! You wouldn’t know anything about the gods!
Achilles: I know more about the gods than your priest’s. I’ve seen them. You’re royalty aren’t you? Spent years talking down to men.
[sniffs her hair]
Achilles: You must be royalty. What’s your name? even the servants of Apollo have names. (战术运用到位,问的有水平阿阿)
Briseis: Briseis
Achilles: Are you afraid, Briseis?
Briseis: Should I be? (mm不甘示弱)
Eudorus: [poking head through door flaps] My lord, Agamemnon requests your presence. The kings are gathering to celebrate the victory.
Achilles: You fought well today. (顾左右而言他,哈哈哈)
Eudorus: My lord.
Briseis: What do you want here in Troy? You didn’t come for the Spartan queen.
Achilles: I want what all men want, I just want it more. You don’t need to fear me girl, you’re the only Trojan who can say that. (布拉特辟特的每句话听起来都很酷)

Achilles: [Eyes closed, Briseis has blade against his throat] Do it.
Achilles: [Briseis doesn’t do anything, just stares at him. Achilles opens his eyes] Do it. Nothing is easier
Briseis: Aren’t you afraid?
Achilles: Everyone dies, whether today or fifty years from now.
Briseis: If I don’t, you’ll kill more men.
Achilles: Many. (坦然地让mm没辙了)

Odysseus: [Achilles throws his spear into a nearby tree] Your reputation for hospitality is fast becoming legend.

Agamemnon: [approachs king] Good day for the crows.
Thessalian King: Remove your army from my land.
Agamemnon: Why, I like your land, I think we’ll stay. I like your soldiers too.
Thessalian King: They won’t fight for you.
Agamemnon: That’s what the Messenians said, and the Acardians, and the Opeians, now they all fight for me.
Thessalian King: You can’t have the whole world Agamemnon, it’s too big, even for you.
Agamemnon: I don’t want to watch another massacre. Let’s settle this war in the old manner. Your best fighter against my best.
Thessalian King: And if my man wins?
Agamemnon: We’ll leave Thessaly for good.
Thessalian King: Boagrius!
[cheers from Thessalian army.Boagrius comes out from the centre of the army]
Agamemnon: Achilles!
Thessalian King: Boagrius has this effect on many heroes.
Agamemnon: Be careful who you insult old king.
Greek Soldier: My king, Achilles is not with the army.
Agamemnon: Where is he?
Greek Soldier: I sent a boy to look for him.

Achilles: If I hurt you, it’s not what I wanted (555555,公主绝对没有怪过他)

Menelaus: Princes of Troy, on our last night together, Queen Helen and I salute you!

Menelaus: May the Gods keep the wolves in the hills and the women in our beds! (活该被挖了妻)

Menelaus: I want her back.
Agamemnon: Well of course you do, she’s a beautiful woman.
Menelaus: I want her back so I can kill her with my own two hands, and I won’t rest till I’ve burned Troy to the ground.
Agamemnon: I thought you wanted peace with Troy.
Menelaus: I should have listened to you.
Agamemnon: Peace is for the women, and the weak. Empires are forged by war.
Menelaus: All my life I’ve stood by your side, fought your enemies. You’re the elder, you reap the glory. This is the war of the world. But have I ever complained brother? Have I ever asked you for anything? (勉强算个君子)
Agamemnon: Never. You’re a man of honour.
Menelaus: Will you go to war with me brother?

Nestor: One more thing, we need Achilles and his Myrmidon.
Agamemnon: Achilles? He can’t be controlled. He’s as likely to fight us as the Trojans.
Nestor: We don’t need to control him, we need to unleash him. That man was born to end lives. (把Achiles说得好象死神一样。不过Achiles说了,神还嫉妒我们,所以,他比死神牛。)
Agamemnon: Yes, he’s a gifted killer. But he threatens everything I’ve built. Before me, Greece was nothing. I brought all the Greek kingdoms together. I created a nation out of fire worshippers and snake eaters! I build the future Nestor, Me! achilles is the past. A man who fights for no flag. A man loyal to no country.
Nestor: How many battles have we won off the edge of his sword? This will be the greatest war the world has ever seen. We need the greatest warrior.
Agamemnon: There’s only one man he’ll listen to.

Achilles: Why? Are the Greeks tired of fighting each other?
Odysseus: For now.

Achilles: Flank! To the flank!

Achilles: Apparently you won some great victory.
Agamemnon: Ah, Perhaps you didn’t notice. The Trojan beach belonged to Priam in the morning. It belongs to Agamemnon in the afternoon.
Achilles: You can have the beach. I didn’t come here for sand.
Agamemnon: No. You came here because you want your name to last through the ages. A great victory was won today, but that victory is not yours. kings did not kneel to Achilles. Kings did not pay homage to Achilles.
Achilles: Perhaps the kings were too far behind to see, the soldiers won the battle. (Achilles不要太正义,有智慧,有武功。太完美拉)
Agamemnon: History remembers kings! Not soldiers! Tomorrow we’ll batter down the gates of Troy! I’ll build monuments to victory on every island of Greece. I’ll carve "Agamemnon" in the stone.
Achilles: Be careful king of kings. First you need the victory.
Agamemnon: Your men sacked the temple of Apollo yes?
Achilles: You want gold? Take it. It’s my gift to honour your courage. Take what you wish.
Agamemnon: I already have. Aphareus! Haemon!
[Aphareus and Haemon appear dragging Briseis]
Agamemnon: The spoils of war.
Achilles: No argument with you brothers. But if you don’t release her, you’ll never see home again. Decide!
Agamemnon: Guards!
[Achilles draws his sword]
Briseis: [Breaking free from guards] Stop! Too many men have died today. If killing is your only talent, that’s your curse. I don’t want anyone dying for me.
[Achilles groans then sheaths his sword]
Agamemnon: Mighty Achilles, silenced by a slave girl. Tonight I’ll have her give me a bath, and then, who knows?
Achilles: You sack of wine! Before my time is done, I will look down on your corpse and smile.

Paris: Do you love me, brother? Will you protect me from any enemy?
Hector: Last time you spoke to me like this you were 10 years old and you’d just stolen Fathers horse, what have you done now?

Hector: Fight me!
Achilles: Why kill you now, Prince of Troy, with no-one here to see you fall?

Briseis: Am I still your captive?
Achilles: You’re my guest.
Briseis: In Troy, guests can leave whenever they want.
Achilles: we should leave (煽情~~~)

Hector: I see 50,000 men brought here to fight for one man’s greed.

Paris: [to Helen] Then I’ll make it easy for him to find me. I’ll walk right up to him and tell him you’re mine.

Paris: [discussing the wooden horse] Father, burn it.

Achilles: [to Briseis] You are free. If I hurt you, it’s not what I wanted.
Achilles: Go. No one will stop you. You have my word. (这些话很无奈,但是Achilles最后还去找回Briseis。他们之间的爱情是本爱情片的重头,重于泰山,重于Paris&Helen.这一段是华丽的点睛。)

Achilles: [to Hector] We will meet again my brother.

Priam: [to Achilles] I knew your father. He died well before his time. But he was fortunate enough to not have lived long enough to see his son fall. (全片中,只有和老国王对话的时候,Achilles才有点逊色。)

Hector: [about his baby son] I want to see him grow tall. I want to see all the girls chasing after him. (Hector很man, 给每个man打分的话,总分仅此于Achilles,所以他们也星星详细)

Paris: Father, this is Helen.
Priam: Helen? Helen of Sparta?
Paris: Helen of Troy. (答得好!)

Achilles: Patroclus, put down your spear…
Patroclus: But I’m fighting the Trojans, cousin
Achilles: not today
Patroclus: but I’m ready you taught me how to fight
Achilles: You’re a good student, but you’re not a Myrmidon yet, look at these men, they are the fiercest soldiers in all of Greece, each of them has bled for me. You will guard the ship…
Patroclus: But this is a war!
Achilles: Cousin, I can’t fight the Trojans if I’m concerned for you, guard the ship!

Priam: I have heard rumors of your beauty. And for once, the gossip is right. (老国王还很幽默。中国的帝王有这么优秀(德高望重+幽默风趣)的吗?)

Andromache: 50,000 Greeks did not cross the sea to watch your brother fight. You know this.

Achilles: [to Birseis] Trojan soldiers died protecting you. Perhaps they deserve more than your pity. (Perhaps they deserve more than your pity. 绝妙!)

Eudorus: We were going to sail home today.
Odysseus: I don’t think anyone’s sailing home now.

Eudorus: [about Patroclus] He wore your armor. Your sheild, your greaves, your helmet. He even moved like you.

Glaucus: [the Appolonians are making their last stand] Soldiers of Troy! You men are warriors! To lead you has been my honor!
[to Paris]
Glaucus: My prince! The boatman waits for us! I say, we make him wait a little longer!  (大成也有小小幽默的说)
[Trojans attack as the Greeks break down the last barricade]

Priam: I’ve fought many wars in my time. Some I’ve fought for land, some for power, some for glory. I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest. (还是要说老国王优秀!!)
Agamemnon: [upon seeing Achilles’ boat to land first on the beaches of Troy] The man wants to die!

Priam: [kneels, kisses Achilles’ hands]
Achilles: Who are you?
Priam: I have endured what no one on earth has endured before.
Priam: I kissed the hands of the man who killed my son.
Achilles: [realizes, stands abrubtly] Priam?
Achilles: How did you get in here?
Priam: I know my country better than the Greeks, I think.
Achilles: [walks forward, lifts Priam] You are a brave man.
Achilles: I could have your head on a spit in the blink of an eye.
Priam: Do you really think death frightens me now?
Priam: I watched my eldest son die, watched you drag his body behind your chariot.
Priam: Give him back to me.
Priam: He deserves a proper burial, you know that.
Priam: Give him to me.
Achilles: He killed my cousin.
Priam: He thought it was you.
Priam: How many cousins have you killed?
Priam: How many sons and fathers and brothers and husbands?
Priam: How many, brave Achilles?
Priam: Do you love her, my son?
Paris: Father, you are a great king, because you love your country so much. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every rock in the river… You love all of Troy. That is the way I love Helen.

Hector: You say you’re willing to die for love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love! (小帅哥确实很嫩)

Achilles: Before my time is done I will look down on your corpse and smile.

Hector: All my life I’ve lived by a code and the code is simple: honor the gods, love your woman and defend your country. Troy is mother to us all. Fight for her!

Achilles: The gods envy us.

Hector: I’ve seen this moment in my dreams. I’ll make a pact with you. With the gods as our witnesses, let us pledge that the winner will allow the loser all the proper funeral rituals. (真的汉子很真的汉字的较量,太悲壮了。)
Achilles: There are no pacts between lions and men.
[stabs spear into ground, and takes off helmet, throwing it to the side]
Achilles: Now you know who you’re fighting.
Hector: [takes off helmet and throws it aside] I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday. And I wish it had been, but I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.
Achilles: You gave him the honor of your sword. You won’t have eyes tonight; you won’t have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector. The fool who thought he killed Achilles.

Hector: How many wives wait at Troy’s gates for husbands the will never see again?
Achilles: Perhaps your brother can comfort them, I hear he’s good at charming other men’s wives. Go home Prince. Drink some wine, make love to your wife, tomorrow we will have our war. (very mean. hahaaa)

Helen: I can’t ask anyone to fight for me. I’m no longer queen of Sparta.
Hector: You’re a princess of Troy now.
Hector: [pause] And, my brother needs you tonight.

Achilles: It’s a beautiful night.

Achilles: You’re still my enemy in the morning.
Priam: You’re still my enemy tonight. But even enemies can show respect. (老国王的话重来都让人失语,Achilles也不例外)

Paris: Pearls from the sea of Propontus.
Helen: They’re beautiful, but I could never wear them, Menelaus would kill us both.
Paris: Don’t be afraid of him.
Helen: I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of tomorrow. I’m afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you’ll never come back. Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost. I walked and I ate and I swam in the sea… I was just a ghost.
Paris: You don’t have to fear tomorrow… come with me!
Helen: Don’t play with me, don’t play.
Paris: If you come, we’ll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us, but I’ll love you. Until the day they burn my body, I’ll love you. (还行, 巴特,配角只是配角)
Magic Hour最后的结局很特别。深津绘里这个小烈女,从一开始主动和BOSS对战,到怂恿妻夫木聪私奔未果,在最后因为boss生死关头的深情表白,决定永远都不离开boss,即便贯穿在喜剧中演绎,也让我不由得荡气回肠了一把。
1 心がふさいで晴れ晴れしない。気分が重苦しい。「難題をかかえて―・い気分だ」「―・い梅雨空」
2 邪魔になってうるさい。煩わしい。「髪の毛がのびて―・い」
750) this.width=750">






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主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇维格 Hugh Grant 休 格兰特
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蒙娜丽莎的微笑 “Mona Lisa’s Smile”
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Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特
甜心先生 “Jerry Maguaire”
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Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森
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15.大话王 “Liar Liar”
主演:Jim Carrie 金 凯利
16. 单身插班生 “About a Boy”
主演:Hugn Grant 修 格兰特
17. 风流奇男子 “Alfie”
主演: Jude Law 裘德 洛
18. 妙手情真 “Patch Adams”
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19.变人 “Bicentennial Man”
主演: Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯
20. 猫屎先生 “As good as it gets”
主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科尔森
Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特
21.完美男人 “The Perfect Man”
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22.婚礼男友 “The Wedding Date”
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25. 大鱼 “Big Fish”
主演:Evan McGregor 伊万 麦克格

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