曾一度以为小光圈(F16 or upper)就可以实现,看了更多的讨论才知道学问多多。
4。在这种光线下自动曝光前景肯定黑。两个方法,用GND (渐灰镜)或后期HDR合成。我不会HDR,所以就用滤光镜了。记得这张片用了两张GND。
5。我不会HDR(只会很烂的那种,曝光包围拍三张,用光影魔术手合成,所以不好意思现丑),而且没有GND.好在NIKON D300有一个ACTIVE D-LIGHT 的功能,相当于很弱的GND.我是把它开到最大档拍的,因此盐地黑乎乎的. Eugene的很干净,颜色也真实,冷暖对比效果令人难忘.
小光圈的运用是拍出一道道金光的关键.我当时用的是F22. 如果我没讲错的话,一道道的金光是由太阳光沿着光圈叶片间的缝隙衍射而产生的.
—————————another source—————————–
Q. What technique did you use to capture the sun star-burst-like rays (see image below)?
A. Great question! I set the aperture of the lens to f/16. I usually recommend people use a minimum of f/16 to capture them and preferably something like f/22 or higher. But I was able to get those sun star-burst rays at f/16. I also noticed that the star-burst effect looked awesome – one of the best I’ve seen. It’s lead to a theory that I really haven’t officially tested out yet so don’t hold me to it. See, I borrowed Scott’s Nikon 14-24mm 2.8 lens. It was the first time I used it. I compared this up against other similar star-burst photos (with different lenses) and it not only produced those rays at f/16 (when I usually need to be at f/22 with the others) but the rays looked so much better.