Lessons learnt :

1. What you think your weakness(they are 纸老虎, the only enemies are ourselves) is can be your strenghs

2. You think you can do well in your strong areas but it is not easier than do OK in weak areas.

3. If strenghs don’t work out perfectly, you have less chance to make it to your final goal.

4. Be more aggressive, the higher you pursure, the more you gain.

5. Never give up. Hard work pays off sooner or later.

 I want to shai/share my non-pass result because I am happy about how it finally turned out. I would say I should/could have done better in at least ethics, FSA, QM. I am flattered that Derivatives worked out great. The more important things are I get a lot than I have expected including I get to know myself deeper and I learn above lessons by myself.

January 2009


Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
Alternative Investments 8 *
Corporate Finance 20 *
Derivatives 12 *
Economics 24 *
Equity Investments 24 *
Ethical & Professional Standards 36 *
Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 *
Fixed Income Investments 28 *
Portfolio Management 12 *
Quantitative Methods 28 *

We have divided the full group of failed candidates into ten approximately equal score bands. Your score band below shows how your overall score on the exam compares with all other failed candidates.

For example, if your reported score band is 1, you scored in approximately the bottom 10% of failed candidates. If your reported score band is 2, your score was within the next band width ranging from approximately the bottom 11% to 20% of failed candidates. If your score band is reported as 10, you scored in the top 10% of all failed candidates.

Performance band of your overall score among all candidates who failed the exam: 8

Pass rate of 35%


Topic Max <=50 51%-70% >=71% 40/60/80 Bayesian Maximum Minimum
Alternative Investments 8 * 60.0% 60.0% 62.5% 62.5%
Corporate Finance 20 * 60.0% 61.4% 70.0% 55.0%
Derivatives 12 * 80.0% 82.1% 100.0% 75.0%
Economics 24 * 40.0% 26.9% 50.0% 0.0%
Equity Investments 24 * 40.0% 26.9% 50.0% 0.0%
Ethical & Professional Standards 36 * 60.0% 60.5% 69.4% 52.8%
Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 * 60.0% 60.0% 68.8% 52.1%
Fixed Income Investments 28 * 40.0% 26.7% 50.0% 0.0%
Portfolio Management 12 * 80.0% 82.1% 100.0% 75.0%
Quantitative Methods 28 * 60.0% 60.0% 67.9% 53.6%
Overall 240 * 55.7% 51.9% 65.8% 38.7%