有这西方人的open minded, life style,正义感,豪爽不扭捏。.
English Native,童年在象牙海岸生活,所以还会说法语,懂欧洲绅士礼仪。
imagine a sucessful man, what does he need in his wife?
Money – not interested
Successful career – not required because it would mean the kids dont get to see mum and too much entertainment, so no time at home
Pretty – cold help, but at best a healthy looking 45 will not beat a 28 young girl with fair skin
Smart – would help keep the family matter in check so that he is not disturbed over small items; but not too smart because he does not want to play mind chess game every night after a
hard day of work
so the smartest women in the world are the smart, pretty women who pretends to
listen to their husband but spend enough time at the qym so that the husband will look at them often
enough to want to have sex with them
Man wants Peace. peace first, homely second.
JP男让我有空就想想,如果可以放弃追究mr right的三个致命缺点,它们会是什么。
can u name 3 shorcomings (faults) that you are willing to tolerate from ur mr. right?
i have at least 12 friends who are close with me and ask me the same question: why cant i find mr. right? i never answer this silly question。every girl knows the answer, they just dont want to admit it。they all want everything and not willing to give up somehting。
3 of 12 have given up
6 of 12 have high hope but no chance
3 of 12 have realistic expectations, so many 1 will find mr, right soon
当然血拚女也不敢冒JP男,她说的‘ 不認識你的話還真羨慕你老婆‘让JP男耿耿玉怀要复述给我听。
可是,不是还有Mr Big很赞成女人买她们喜欢的东西的码。
JP男也说了一些BS, 比如:
men have advantage that women dont have because of the independent movement well, in muslim countries, men are allowed to marry 4 so those successful women can choose to convert to islam。。。
so that is why olie and alie will start young
alie told me he will marry one woman only and he will be completely devoted to her
i told him he is full of shit because in 12 months, he changed 3 gf already
olie on the other hands is very loyal
he is still madly inlove with the girl from K2
puppy love
i cant wait for them to reach 18 and 16 respectively
the 3 of us will go on tripple date
alie takes the youngest sister
olie the middle one
i get the elder sister
perhaps my wife will drive us to the date
my wife and i are negotiating an age when i can be completely free to have gf of own
i started with 45, she said 75
i think we are stuck 65 for now
on one condition that she and the kids have title to all the assets
amanda believes that no one will want to care for an old poor man. i wil prove her wrong in due course
right now, the priority is to negotiate the age down to 55 or lower
不管你们催不催,我也是把MR.Right放在Top priority的。只是可与而不可求,日常只要多做的低调的事情辣~